Thank you - and new photos

First off - I want to thank those of you who have expressed your condolences to me via e-mail or cards regarding the recent passing of my Mom in April who fought a relatively short, but courageous battle with lung cancer. I was truly and sincerely touched, and they were much appreciated. Now - on to brighter news…. I recently had the pleasure of seeing Mary Chapin Carpenter at the Pabst Theater in Milwaukee (3rd row center orchestra pit no less), so of course you know I have pictures (they were allowed as long as you didn't use flash.) So I have updated the PHOTOS section with an assortment of pictures of Chapin and the band - check 'em out now by clicking on the PHOTOS link to your right. Yes - I actually am in the studio working on my next CD. As mentioned in previous news posts here in this section it will be all-acoustic, along the lines of Indigo Girls' "Strange Fire" or Kristen Hall's "Real Life Stuff." I am also still writing and working on some pre-production for a lot of the material that will go on that CD - so stay tuned!

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