Latest changes to the site -

As always - the HOTLINE number for your reference - 1-800-573-4304 I have made a few changes that I think will help with the navigation of the site - In the MUSIC section, each CD, band (music group I was in), or era of songs are now grouped appropriately together. So when you click on "Somewhere In Between" you'll get all the clips for that specific CD, and so on and so forth. I've also begun including a few "song stories" for some of the clips, just click on the title of each song. (Of course, all of them "might" not have the story behind them - I can't give that much away you know!) In the PHOTOS section, the same thing applies - for example, Summerfest pics are grouped together, as well as certain "eras" or periods of time that are related. There are of course a few of each (music clips and pictures, that is), that do not exactly fit into a particular group, so they'll just be left out there and ungrouped. Same goes for the LINKS - I've added some new ones and have also grouped some others that belong together. As always, keep checking back, I will be continually adding photos, music clips, stories, links and more?? Peace!